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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 3
S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
Blockchain technology in agriculture: A comprehensive review of applications, supply chain management, food safety, smart contract, benefits, limitation, and prospects
Dhaksesh Raaj T M, Adithya Balaraman, Santhoshkumar Karthikeyan, Abinesh Ramamoorthi, Sarvesh Palanisamy and Parameshwaran Sivakumar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 01-13
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 633 KB  |  928 Views  341 Downloads
Precocious puberty: An overview and management
Pavuluri Yasaswini, Kanneboina Soujanya, Raju CA, B Jhansi, B babitha
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 14-30
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 1640 KB  |  442 Views  161 Downloads
A rare case of stomach worm infestation in a pig
ZV Phanibhushan Rao, Dr. W Deepthi Swapna Latha, Dr. P Malakondaiah and Dr. P Amaravathi
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 31-33
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 456 KB  |  470 Views  205 Downloads
Perception of urban and rural working women towards e-banking
Dr. Veena S Jadhav and Megha Talawar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 34-38
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 506 KB  |  433 Views  250 Downloads
Economics of milk production in Maharashtra: A case study
GN Narnaware, NW Shinde, PS Patil and VK Lule
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 39-43
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 523 KB  |  971 Views  453 Downloads
Content analysis of fisheries related information in newspaper and magazine
SV Jadhav, AS Kulkarni, AT Markad, VB Sutar and SD Meshre
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 44-48
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 258 KB  |  430 Views  186 Downloads
Knowledge level of fish farmer of Latur District of Maharashtra State
AS Kulkarni, AT Markad, SN Kunjir, VB Sutar and SD Meshre
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 49-52
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 388 KB  |  440 Views  211 Downloads
Impact of custom hiring centers on input utilization patterns in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh
Ganavi NR, Dr. Nalini Ranjan Kumar and Ravikumar S
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 53-56
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 338 KB  |  411 Views  186 Downloads
A study on intellectual property constraints faced by researchers
Santosh N Kunjir, Arpita Sharma, Swadesh Prakash, Vinod K Yadav, Sandesh Patil, Suhas Wasave and Shubham Soni
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 57-65
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 287 KB  |  421 Views  200 Downloads
Comparative analysis of milk production practices: Commercial vs. Household Dairy farming in Haryana, India
Rakesh Ahuja, Gautam, Devesh Thakur, Rakesh Kumar, Manoj Sharma and Ekta Rani
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 66-70
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 392 KB  |  369 Views  157 Downloads
Agristartup environment of entrepreneurs on artificial intelligence
D Swapna, Dr. P Prashanth, Dr. B Savitha and Dr. B Padmaja
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 101-104
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 378 KB  |  330 Views  140 Downloads
Information needs of osmanabadi goat entrepreneurs in Marathwada region of Maharashtra state
Jaybhaye NM, Deshmukh DS, Chavan SS, Patil DP, Londhe SV and Rindhe SN
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 105-109
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 449 KB  |  371 Views  176 Downloads
Evaluating the varied economic traits of Kamrupa chickens in backyard rearing systems of Assam
Dr. Mihir Sarma
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 110-112
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 342 KB  |  588 Views  184 Downloads
Assessing the status and needs of dairy farmers in Uttar Pradesh
Singh Prabhat, Dr. Tiwari Vikas, Dr. Potdar Vinod, Dr. Singh Vinay Kumar, Dr. Jadhav Raviraj and Dr. Joshi A Sachin
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 113-117
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 473 KB  |  558 Views  208 Downloads
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of backyard poultry in Bidar district of Karnataka
Sunil Kumar, Vivek M Patil, Prashant Waghmare, Vidyasagar, Kartik Alure and Rajwardhan
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 118-120
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 350 KB  |  315 Views  123 Downloads
Impact of employment generation programmes on livelihood security of the rural poor in Manipur
Khumukcham Stina, Punabati Heisnam, Abhinash M, M Chanchan, Gayatri KH and Sumitra Phurailatpam
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 121-125
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 219 KB  |  347 Views  131 Downloads
Performance evaluation of climate resilient rice varieties for increasing productivity in flood prone area of Assam
A Roy, AK Tripathi, BC Deka, NU Singh, A Yumnam, D Chakraborty and B Kumar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 126-133
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 816 KB  |  487 Views  174 Downloads
Utilization patterns and livelihood implications of donkeys and mules among equine owners in Northern India
AA Raut, Yash Pal, RA Legha and Ramesh Dedar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 134-139
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 451 KB  |  383 Views  171 Downloads
Modelling and forecasting of onion prices in Belgaum market of Karnataka
Vinay HT, Pavithra V, Nishtha Pradarshika Rai and Jagadeesh MS
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 140-145
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 453 KB  |  531 Views  255 Downloads
Characterization of commercial fish landings of Chandragiri estuary, Kerala, India
Kalavathi NR, HN Anjanayappa, AS Kumar Naik, Mahesh V and Harish
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 146-152
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 442 KB  |  436 Views  147 Downloads
Fish farmer livelihood in Hisar, Haryana: Understanding constraints and charting a sustainable future
Shri Kant Yadav, Tejpal Dahiya, Rachna Gulati, Anshika Pathak, Shubham Kanaujiya, Ashutosh Lowanshi and Mitrasen Maurya
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 177-186
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 463 KB  |  483 Views  202 Downloads
The variation in the promoter region of the ovalbumin gene and its correlation with egg quality characteristics in chickens
Ravina, Ayushi Singh, Dharamshaw CA, Pallavi Rathi, Kiyevi G Chishi, Chandana Sree Chinnareddyvari, Rangasai Chandra Goli, Jeevan C, Kiyevi G Chishi, Mahantesh Shetkar, Kanaka KK and Sukhija N
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 187-190
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 336 KB  |  358 Views  156 Downloads
Cost economics of developed probiotic chicken meat spread fermented with Lactobacillus acidophilus
Namrata Agrawal, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Surbhi Yadav, Swati Gupta, Ranvijay Singh, Bhavana Gupta, Sanjay Shukla and Akshay Garg
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 191-196
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 445 KB  |  351 Views  173 Downloads
Correlation coefficients for yield and Path analysis in Crossandra genotypes for yield and its attributing traits
Srinivasulu GB, Mukund Shiragur, Raghavendra Achari, CG Yadav, Chandan K and Raghavendra
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 197-201
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 273 KB  |  342 Views  148 Downloads
Comparison of the conception rate after fixed time natural mating and artificial insemination in estrous synchronized Murrah buffaloes: A short communication
Archana Choudhary, Satish, Preetesh and Satish Kumar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 202-206
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 238 KB  |  343 Views  140 Downloads
in-silico investigation of porcine X-chromosome reveals deleterious non-synonymous SNPS
Utsav Surati, Ravina, Dharamshaw CA, Gaurav Patel, Chandana Sree Chinnareddyvari, Pallavi Rathi, Rangasai Chandra Goli, Kiyevi G Chishi, Ayushi Singh¬ and Kanaka KK
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 207-211
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 379 KB  |  404 Views  130 Downloads
Consumer buying behavior among college students
Rupanagudi Beena Fareq, Mikhil Manik Shivakar and Renuka Salunke
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 212-216
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 242 KB  |  4289 Views  2422 Downloads
Follicular dynamics in buffaloes
Hitesh, Manas Kumar Patra, Gangula Athidi Lokavya, Amit Kumar Singh, Renu Sharma and Kalpendra Kohli
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 217-219
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 96 KB  |  344 Views  138 Downloads
Application of geospatial technologies towards pest management in agriculture
Dr. NU Visakh and Rakesh Das
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 220-223
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 101 KB  |  361 Views  115 Downloads
Impact and implications of drip irrigation systems in Indian agriculture: A comparative analysis
Shubhodeep Bhattacharya, Bibekananda Bar, Dipak Giri, Avirup Chakraborty and Tanmoy Majhi
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3S): 224-226
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 90 KB  |  796 Views  499 Downloads
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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