S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Comparative analysis of hydrological models for estimating sediment yield Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 171-176 | India |
2 | Impact analysis of Kisan call Centre in Odisha Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 177-180 | India |
3 | Solar or electric: A comparison of farm profitability for groundwater-fed irrigation under different water development regimes in western zone of Tamil Nadu Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 181-185 | India |
4 | Exploring the prevalence of children with communication disorders and their academic performance Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 186-192 | India |
5 | Assessment of knowledge and adoption of drip irrigation in guava crop among farmers of Haryana Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 193-199 | India |
6 | Cost and return analysis of tomato cultivation in Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 200-205 | India |
7 | Livelihood security of farm youth practicing family farming in Parbhani, Maharashtra Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 206-210 | India |
8 | Appraisal of Gobindabhog type PHO2 allele for phosphorous deficiency tolerance in rice under West Bengal condition Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 211-218 | India |
9 | The role of precision farming in sustainable agriculture: An overview Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 219-228 | India |
10 | The level of job performance of workers in the agricultural extension organization for the executive management in the central governorates of Iraq Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(4): 229-236 | Iraq |