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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
Selected factors influencing rural women in adoption of improved agricultural technologies in Enugu state, Nigeria
Odoemelam LE and Okorie NU
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 01-05
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 106 KB  |  1429 Views  661 Downloads
Rural livelihood activities/services performed by community based women organization (CBWOs) in Imo and rivers states, Nigeria
Oparaojiaku JO, Ekumankama and Ifenkwe GN
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 06-09
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 82 KB  |  1254 Views  580 Downloads
Rainfall variability and rice production in Nigeria: A co-integration model approach
Adeyemi B Busayo and Fasakin I James
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 10-17
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 206 KB  |  1358 Views  673 Downloads
Conceptualizing rural development in the twenty-first century
Tadele Zemede Wubayehu
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 18-23
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 112 KB  |  2625 Views  1473 Downloads
An appraisal of techno-dynamics structure for on-farm textile innovations development in Ondo state, Nigeria
Ajila KO
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 24-33
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 196 KB  |  1245 Views  586 Downloads
Determinants and food security impacts of small-scale irrigation in Ethiopia
Moges Dessale
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 34-42
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 144 KB  |  1514 Views  797 Downloads
Examination of gender specific roles in sustainable land use, water management and agricultural productivity in Southern Kebbi state
Yohanna John Alhassan, Faith I Agbomakha, Suleiman Yusuf Sheriff and Markus Tanko Manga
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 43-48
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 108 KB  |  1426 Views  683 Downloads
Impact of agricultural exports on economic growth in Cameroon
Honoré Samuel Ntavoua
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 49-53
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 90 KB  |  1612 Views  806 Downloads
Review on access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all in Ethiopia
Tariku Bachano Batayo
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 54-57
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 93 KB  |  1547 Views  679 Downloads
Challenges facing extension agents in Iraq
Bassim Haleem Kshash and Hayat Kadhum Oda
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2021; 4(1): 58-65
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 131 KB  |  1758 Views  960 Downloads
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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