S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | A study on perception of farmers towards nano dap in Nalgonda district of Telangana Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 141-145 | India |
2 | Constraints perceived by women self-help groups in horticultural enterprises and suggestions to overcome it Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 146-150 | India |
3 | Technical efficiency of maize production by employing stochastic frontier approach Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 151-154 | India |
4 | Profile and constraints faced by the beneficiaries of farmer first programme Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 155-160 | India |
5 | Unveiling the dynamics of information management behaviour: A comprehensive study of farmer producer organizations in Mahabubnagar District, Telangana Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 161-165 | India |
6 | Inclusive growth in Indian agriculture: A way forward for integrated and holistic growth Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 166-171 | India |
7 | Study on bio-physical profile of water user associations in mula command area Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 172-175 | India |
8 | Effectiveness of certificate course on integrated nutrient management: Kirkpatrick’s model Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 176-183 | India |
9 | Socio-economic impact of Mahatma Gandhi-Rural Industrial Park (MG-RIPA) on self-help groups: A micro level evidence from rakhi, Bemetara District of Chhattisgarh Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 184-191 | India |
10 | Comparative analysis of time series forecasting: Traditional Statistical Approaches vs. Machine Learning Methods Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(9): 192-198 | India |