Malnutrition and poor health status especially in rural area is a common problem. It retards children growth, increases the risk and duration of illness, reduces work output, and slows social and mental development. Malnutrition among women of reproductive age increases the risk of mortality during labor and delivery and puts their new born children at risk of long term deficiencies. Nutrition garden has an importance role in the supply of essential nutrients at the household level. It provides a diversity of fresh foods that improve the quantity and quality of nutrients especially micronutrients available to the family with minimum effort. Vegetables are most affordable and sustainable dietary sources of vitamin and minerals. Improved production and consumption is thus the most direct, low cost method to increase micronutrients in the diet.
KVK, Shajapur gives on campus training on various aspects like Kitchen Gardening, value addition in fruits and vegetables, SHGs management, Balance Diet for various ages, Child and mother care, etc. Also encourage farmwomen for other income generating activities besides agriculture. Awareness on importance of nutritional garden was stated through demonstration on garden done in the year 2017-18 to 2021-22 among the rural women of Shajapur district of Nutri smart Village Rampura mewasa 10 families village each year were selected for establishment of nutrition garden. The selected families were trained by giving demonstration and talk to motivate them regarding the importance and benefits of kitchen garden. The average yield of the vegetables increased from 25-150 kg/unit in farmers practice to 45-270 kg/unit under demonstration. With the result, the average per capita consumption of vegetables increased 21%. Before plantation of kitchen garden, average per capita availability and consumption of vegetables was 39.1% of Recommended Dietary Allowances which was increased up to 45.14%. After demonstration, consumption of vegetables increased especially of green leafy vegetables. Data presented in showed that 13.17% Energy, 5.54% protein, 10.93% iron, and 16.17% calcium, of RDA were more available to individual after demonstration when compared with farmers practice and also Get benefit of extra income 1200-1500/-Rs. per month.
Gayatri Verma Rawal, Ankita Pandey, Laxmi Verma, Suresh Chandra, Abhilasha Sharma. Impact study of nutritional intervention through Kitchen Gardening in Nutri Smart Village of Shajapur District (M. P.). Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2024;7(3):329-334. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2024.v7.i3d.437