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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

2024, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part C
S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
Rights of the elderly: A comparative study of awareness among the elderly in Kanpur and Lucknow
Akanksha Nandan, Mukta Garg, Aditi Dutt and Sumedha Chaudhary
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 176-180
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 410 KB  |  453 Views  225 Downloads
Mapping the dynamics of agriculture mechanization: present dynamics and future trajectories
Ipsita Rath, Padma Lochan Pradhan, Rama Chandra Dash, Markandeya Mahapatra, Pradeepta Kumar Sahoo, Debaraj Behera, Anup Behera and Kamendra
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 181-186
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 546 KB  |  469 Views  216 Downloads
Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of onion growers in Chitradurga district of Karnataka
Jagadish HM, MV Srinivasa Reedy, YN Shivalingaiah, Gajanand Shantappa Bhairagond and Meghana N
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 187-190
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 335 KB  |  567 Views  220 Downloads
Economic analysis of Garlic cultivation in Etawah District of Uttar Pradesh
Ashish Srivastava, KK Singh, Pranav Kumar Mishra, Balvir Singh, Ajay Kumar Gautam and Riyaz Ahmad
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 191-194
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 246 KB  |  770 Views  521 Downloads
Evaluating farmers' understanding of wheat diseases: A study utilizing survey
Ayush Kalia, Sakshi Prasad, Sakshi Verma and Gurshaminder Singh
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 195-199
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 199 KB  |  408 Views  192 Downloads
A demographical characteristics analysis of rice producers in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh in India
Shampi Jain, DP Rai, Dronak Kumar Sahu and VS Parihar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 200-205
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 369 KB  |  456 Views  197 Downloads
An analysis of cropping pattern of rice producers in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh in India
Shampi Jain, DP Rai, Dronak Kumar Sahu and VS Parihar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 206-209
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 223 KB  |  618 Views  262 Downloads
Development of a scale to measure the livelihood status of migrant labourers in coffee Plantations of Kodagu and Chikkamagaluru districts Karnataka state
Sagar S Pujar, SV Suresha, YN Shivalingaiah, S Ganesamoorthi, Siddayya and Shivani Dechamma
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 210-214
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 426 KB  |  454 Views  204 Downloads
Adoption of seasonal management practices of apiary colonies by beekeepers
V Jagadeesh, MT Lakshminarayan, GR Shivanandagowda, Prahlad P Bhat and V Pavithra
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 215-218
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 219 KB  |  410 Views  186 Downloads
Development and validation of e-learning module towards farmers' rights and landrace conservation
Preeti Yadav, RN Padaria, K Shravani, RR Burman, Sujit Sarkar, Ankur Biswas, Rajbir Yadav and Soora Naresh Kumar
Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(3): 219-226
Abstract  |  Download  |  File Size: 422 KB  |  656 Views  256 Downloads
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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