International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part G
Impact of cluster frontline demonstrations on yield and economics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
B Malathi, C Chaithanya, JV Prasad and Shaik N Meera
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, initiated national level cluster frontline demonstrations (CFLDs) on oilseeds with the main objective of demonstrating the production potential of improved varieties and technologies in the farmers’ fields. The present study evaluates the cluster frontline demonstrations (CFLDs) conducted by ICAR-ATARI, Hyderabad, Zone-10 on Sesame during 2017 to 2021. A total of 3562 CFLDs were conducted in 1425 ha area in 22 districts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana states for four years. The overall yield advantage of 1.78 q/ha was recorded in demonstration plots compared to the farmers practice with 29.49% increase in yields. Technology gap of 2.11 q/ha and technology index of 21.21% were registered. The net returns of 46557 Rs./ha and benefit cost ration of 3.03 were recorded in demonstration plots compared to 28923 Rs./ha and 2.24 in farmers practices respectively. The technological intervention with improved variety of sesame, technology package and good extension services by the KVKs resulted in enhanced production, productivity and profitability of the farmers.
B Malathi, C Chaithanya, JV Prasad, Shaik N Meera. Impact of cluster frontline demonstrations on yield and economics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2024;7(2):537-542. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2024.v7.i2g.386