International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part B
Processing and disposal of cashew kernels in south Konkan region: An economic analysis
PJ Kshirsagar, AS Akhare and SR Torane
The cashew nut processing activities have transformed the economy of the Konkan region. The survey was conducted in South Konkan region purposively during 2019 and 2020. A sample of 100 processors from both the district had been selected proportionally comprising 33 processors from Ratnagiri district and 67 processors Sindhudurg district. At overall level the total capital investment in cashew processing was Rs. 36.74 lakhs, out of which maximum 49.92 percent (Rs. 18.34 lakh) was incurred in building. The quantity of raw cashew nut for processing utilized at overall level was 41.13 MT, and cost was accounted to Rs. 57.42 lakhs. At overall level gross returns received from cashew nut processing were Rs. 83.58 lakhs from 104.05 quintal of cashew nut kernels, out of which returns from cashew kernel were 99.39 percent. The other items of supplementary income were cashew nut shells and cashew nut husk (testa) contributed to the extent of 0.44 percent and 0.18 percent respectively. At overall level per unit total cost of processing was Rs. 73.79 lakh, out of which variable cost was Rs. 70.53 lakh (95.98%) and fixed cost accounted to Rs. 3.25 lakh (4.42%). Among the various items of cost the cost of raw material contributes more to the extent of 78.03 percent of total cost. The cost of raw material required for production of one quintal cashew nut kernel was Rs. 55341 at overall level. The input output ratio at overall level at total cost was estimated to 1.06 and at paid out cost was 1.29. At overall level breakeven point was estimated to 3322.44 kg. At overall level, percentage of gross value addition was 338.45 indicating more than four times appreciation in value of cashew nut seeds due to processing in to cashew kernel.
PJ Kshirsagar, AS Akhare, SR Torane. Processing and disposal of cashew kernels in south Konkan region: An economic analysis. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2024;7(2):112-119. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2024.v7.i2b.316