International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part B
Extent of adoption of biofertilizers by turmeric growers
YP Dhavne, SG Puri and VB Dhakne
Present study was conducted to know the adoption level of Biofertilizers by the turmeric growers. Study was conducted in Wasmat block of Hingoli district of Maharashtra. 120 turmeric growing farmers from 10 villages were randomly selected for study. An interview schedule with respect to socio economic characteristics of turmeric growers and their adoption level of biofertilizer use was designed for the study. Majority of turmeric growers were middle aged, educated up to higher secondary education, had medium land holding, income, social participation, extension contact and risk orientation. 87.50 percent of the turmeric grower had medium adoption level, whereas 12.50 percent and 0.00 percent of biofertilizer users were in the low and high adoption level categories, respectively.
YP Dhavne, SG Puri, VB Dhakne. Extent of adoption of biofertilizers by turmeric growers. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2024;7(2):85-87. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2024.v7.i2b.303