International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part A
Utilization of marketing information by farm women in Telangana state
L Bangari, Dr. M Prasuna, Dr. R Neela Rani and Dr. P Janaki Srinath
The study ascertained the utilization of marketing information by farm women involved in horticulture in Telangana State. A purposive random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of 120 women farmers. Data were collected from the respondents with the structured interview schedule. Data analysis was carried out using frequency counts, percentages, mean, and standard deviation, and correlation was used to establish relationships between selected variables. Among the recognized sources of marketing data are family members, television, neighbors’ relatives, mobile, friends, and progressive farmers. revealed that majority (91.60 MPS) of the respondents were utilizing the market information to know market demands followed by crop selection (89.50 MPS), selection of variety (88.30 MPS), price fixing (87.00 MPS), place of selling the produce (85.40 MPS), type of strategy used to sell the produce (83.70 MPS), time of selling the produce (83.30 MPS), quantity of produce for selling in the market (82.50 MPS), packing techniques (78.30 MPS), increasing the shelf life of produce (76.60 MPS), storing techniques (21.30 MPS) and storage facilities available (17.90 MPS).Age, Education, Farming experience, Extension contact. Information-seeking behavior and the Source of marketing information available are significantly correlated with the utilization of marketing information by farm women.
L Bangari, Dr. M Prasuna, Dr. R Neela Rani, Dr. P Janaki Srinath. Utilization of marketing information by farm women in Telangana state. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2024;7(2):38-41. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2024.v7.i2a.312