S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Prospects of apiculture as an enterprise Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 231-234 | India |
2 | Impact of KVK activities on the adoption of improved horticultural technologies in Kolar district Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 235-239 | India |
3 | Fishermen of Karimnagar District, Telangana: A socio-economic profile Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 240-251 | India |
4 | Consumer awareness towards green products: A study of rural women in Haryana Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 252-261 | India |
5 | Investigating the phenological patterns of Gmelina arborea populations in diverse environmental conditions of Madhya Pradesh, India Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 262-270 | India |
6 | Farmers' perceived constraints to Extension & Advisory Services (EAS): A garret ranking analysis Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 271-276 | India |
7 | Role of media in accelerating women empowerment Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 277-281 | India |
8 | Impact analysis of farm mechanization on productivity and returns of field crops during Rabi and Kharif season in Sirsa district of Haryana Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 282-286 | India |
9 | Problems and suggestions regarding involvement of rural women in farm and home decision making activities in Valsad district of South Gujarat Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 287-289 | India |
10 | Design and performance evaluation of portable twin wheel weeder Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(11): 290-296 | India |