S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Climate-resilient agriculture: A pathway to sustainable farming practices Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 01-02 | India |
2 | Role of self-help groups in achieving gender equality in Bihar Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 03-05 | India |
3 | Knowledge of drudgery reducing technologies among the farmers Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 06-08 | India |
4 | Sustainable farming systems: Case studies documented under irrigated and rainfed farming systems Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 09-14 | India |
5 | Views on urban agriculture (UA) benefits: A perspective from Thiruvananthapuram’s urban non-agricultural practitioners Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 15-19 | India |
6 | Socio-economic characteristics of onion growers using drip irrigation system in Tamil Nadu Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 20-23 | India |
7 | Profile characteristics of members of women led FPOs in Telangana state Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 24-27 | India |
8 | Entrepreneurial opportunities and challenges for women in agriculture: A study in Jorhat district of Assam Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 28-31 | India |
9 | Exploring digital gender divide and its implication for rural women participation in agriculture Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 32-40 | India |
10 | Profile characteristics of selected farmer producer organizations (FPOs) members of Chhattisgarh state Int. J. Agric. Extension Social Dev., 2024; 7(10): 41-44 | India |