International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2023, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part B
Perceived sociocultural factors affect women's participation in watershed management
Shikha Singh and Neelam Bhardwaj
Women reproductive role and domestic engagements drive them to know about the environment as they interact with it providing for household. They are real subsistence farmers and their role in natural resource management projects is so crucial that without their participation no efficient and sustained results can be imagined. A descriptive research design was used to meet the objective set forth for the study. Uttarakhand has been selected as the universe of the study. Out of 13 districts two districts namely Uttarkashi and Bageshwar were selected purposively as the locale for the proposed study. More than half of the (52 percent) belonged to the middle age group followed by 40 percent who belonged to the young age group. In hills, old ones used to be busy with social gatherings, and young or middle-aged people are generally engaged in subsistence farming. The educational status of respondents indicates that 80 percent of respondents were illiterate and read-only. The study area was dominated by the general caste category (81.66 percent) either Brahmins or Thakurs. And eleven percent belonged to OBC category. The majority of the respondents (78.33 percent) had farming as a major occupation with only 2.66 being engaged in service. It was noted that ownership of land is the driving force for women's participation other than ownership. 59 percent of respondents perceived poor attitude and support from society as an important factor that affects women's participation in watershed management.