International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2023, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A
Attitude of farmers towards the use of information and communication technology on agricultural production and marketing
SK Mahajan, RU Bangar and MV Mahajan
The present investigation is conducted in the Marathwada region of the Maharashtra state during 2021-2022 with the objective to study “Attitude of farmers towards the use of information and communication technology on agricultural production and marketing”. Parbhani district was selected randomly from Marathwada region. Three talukas from Parbhani district and five villages from each talukas were selected randomly for the study. From each selected village, ten farmers were selected randomly on the basis of awareness about ICT tools to acquire farm knowledge in this way total 150 respondents were considered for the study. An Ex-post-facto research design was followed for the study. Data was gathered using a well-structured interview schedule created with the study's objectives in mind. The collected data was analysed, classified and tabulated. Statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and coefficient correlation were used to interpret findings and draw conclusions. Among the 150 selected farmers majority of the farmers were medium aged (67.33%), educated up to middle school level (24.00%), large family type (40.00%), high level of farming experience (51.33%), majority of occupation is farming (34.67%), medium source of awareness about ICT tools (77.33), e-learning plays major role in learning ICT skills (47.33), high utility of ICT in extension (76.67) and medium level of knowledge (60.67).
SK Mahajan, RU Bangar, MV Mahajan. Attitude of farmers towards the use of information and communication technology on agricultural production and marketing. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2023;6(1):44-46. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2023.v6.i1a.171