International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
2019, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
Egg quality characteristics and blood parameters of ISA brown layers fed with cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) pulp meal diets
Oyewole BO, Isaac OI and Onoja QE
Seventy-five (75) point of lay birds (19 weeks) were used for a feeding trial to determine effect of feeding graded levels of cashew pulp meal (CPM) replacement for maize on haematology, serum biochemistry and egg quality parameters of layers. Diets were formulated in which CPM replaced 0, 8, 16, 24 and 32% of dietary maize. The birds were randomly assigned to the five (5) diets in a Completely Randomized Design. Samples of eggs were collected for data collection when birds were 21 to 29 weeks old. Egg parameters measured were; weight, length, width, shell thickness, shell weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, yolk diameter, yolk height, yolk index and Haugh. Blood samples were collected at the end of the trial from two birds per replicate for evaluation of haematological and serum biochemical indices. Results observed for egg weight, egg height and egg shell weight were 50.77-53.39g, 3.15-3.99cm and 6.37-7.02g respectively. For internal quality of eggs, there were significantly (P<0.05) differences except for yolk diameter, haugh unit and yolk index. Values for egg content weight, albumen height, yolk height and yolk weight, and yolk Index ranged from 44.53-46.86g, 4.99-5.46cm, 1.59-2.55cm and 11.62-12.88g respectively. All haematological parameters evaluated were significantly (P<0.05) different among the treatments except for MCHC. Observed PCV, Hb, RBC, WBC, MCV and MCH ranged from 27.67-30.67%, 9.33-10.30g/dl, 2.55-2.80x106/l, 222.17-246.839/l, 99.50-117.57fl and 33.50-39.97pg, respectively. The results of serum biochemical showed that AST and total protein were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the treatments. Observed values ranged from 95.67-131.67 μ/l and 4.26-6.13g/dl respectively. It was observed that inclusion of CPM did not compromise the external, internal quality characteristics of eggs and the health of birds even at 32% replacement of maize. Farmers may include replace up to 32% of dietary maize with cashew pulp meal in layer diet.
Oyewole BO, Isaac OI, Onoja QE. Egg quality characteristics and blood parameters of ISA brown layers fed with cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) pulp meal diets. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2019;2(2):52-55. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2019.v2.i2a.33