The percentage of buffaloes with round, pointed and flat teat tip was 33.7, 51.3 and 15.0 at the farm, whereas it was 93.7, 6.0 and 0.0 in Surti and 94.7, 4.6 and 0.7 in Surti-type buffaloes at farmers herd.
The observations on udder shape of dry buffaloes indicated that the shrinkage of udder was very low in buffaloes which had completed Just first lactation. The comparative shrinkage in subsequent lactations. The animals which had completed 3 or more lactations, had udders with 3-4 folds on the rear side. In most of the cases, the front attachment was showing the dry udder up to six months of pregnancy in non-lactating buffaloes, no variable change was observed with respect to udder development except few animals.
Saurabh Sharma, Uttam Kumar Tripathi, Rohit Sharma, Vikram Singh Thakur. Udder and teat characteristics of Surti buffaloes maintained under farm and field conditions. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2018;1(1):23-25. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2018.v1.i1a.14