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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

2018, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A
Communication behavior of milk producers of Bulandshar district

Manoj Kumar, RK Doharey, Subodh Kumar, Prakash Singh, SN Singh, Kaushik Prasad

The study was under taken in district Bulandshahar were selected purposively. A total number of 50 from were selected through proportionate random sampling from four sampled villages on the basis of herd size. The interview schedule was developed keeping in view the objectives & variables under study. Finding that both the farmers i.e. bulandshahar had cell phone (98.33%), followed by mobile (96%), T.V. (88%) respectively. It may be, therefore, concluded that the better position of communication media possession of bulandshahar dairy farmers.
Pages : 12-14 | 2166 Views | 1066 Downloads

International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
How to cite this article:
Manoj Kumar, RK Doharey, Subodh Kumar, Prakash Singh, SN Singh, Kaushik Prasad. Communication behavior of milk producers of Bulandshar district. Int J Agric Extension Social Dev 2018;1(1):12-14. DOI: 10.33545/26180723.2018.v1.i1a.10
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
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